Top-Rated Puppy Training in Derby

Find out more about all my puppy training options here…

Private 1:1 Puppy Training

Welcome Home New Puppy Session

Stop puppy biting, toileting in the house, disrupted nights, and create a calm pup.

My 1 hour at home session deep dives into all things your puppy and helps you to set the foundations for success!

Private 1:1 Puppy Training Programme

Perfect for you if: you’d prefer more bespoke training support with your puppy at home.

Stop your puppy biting, master toilet training, and become a focused, calm dog who will loose lead walk and recall around distractions!

Puppy Training Classes

A fully comprehensive puppy training programme.

Over 3 terms (10 weeks*) I will offer you supportive guidance and teach you effective methods to train your new companion.

*it won’t always be possible to make stage 3 start directly after the end of stage 2. You can also book each stage individually if you wish.

Puppy Preschool - Stage 1

Stage 1 is my 2-week beginner group preschool course. Classes held at Darley Abbey or Church Broughton.

*Puppies need to be fully vaccinated*

Covering puppy biting, puppy play, crate/confinement training, separation anxiety and resources guarding prevention.

Puppy Class - Stage 2

Puppy Class - Stage 2 is a 5-week Learner Pups course. Classes are held at Darley Abbey or Church Broughton.

Teaching you all the puppy foundations: socialisation, loose lead walking, recall, not jumping up, teaching a leave it, creating calmness, confidence building, getting laser focus and much more!

Puppy Class - Stage 3

Puppy Class - Stage 3 is the final term, a 3-week Real World course.

We take all we’ve learned in our Learner Pups classes into real-world scenarios.

Practicing all things recall, lead walking, distraction work, and settling in woodlands, parks, cafes, garden centres.